
Charla Dr. Andrew Fodgen y Patricio Jaime

El pasado Martes 23 de Agosto, se realizó la charla dictada por el Dr. Andrew Fodgen, con su charla se titulaba «Advanced digital rock workflows for multiscale imaging, analysis and simulation in conventional, tight and unconventional reservoirs for the Petroleum/Energy Industry. Examples from around the world« y el Geólogo Patricio Jaime, que realizó la introducción con su tema, «Introducción al uso equipos analíticos basados en rayos X para Análisis Digital De Rocas en Geociencias«


20160823_132222Micro-CT 3D imaging of core plugs is the foundation for digital rock technology, from which image analysis and simulation yield estimates of properties, especially for multiphase flow, and assessment of their variabilities and sensitivities. For most reservoir rocks, the plug image contains insufficient information for simulation, e.g. if pore throats are not resolved. A digital rock toolkit that is sufficiently well equipped to deal with all reservoirs requires multiscale, multi-modal characterization. This includes capabilities for micro-CT 3D imaging of sub-plugs to resolve micro-porosity, SEM 2D imaging and SEM-EDS mineral mapping of their sections, and FIB-SEM 3D imaging of nano-porosity. FEI’s workflows for multiscale imaging combine acquisition hardware (in particular, HeliScan micro-CT) and software (in particular, QEMSCAN & MAPS Mineralogy and AVIZO & PERGEOS) with registration algorithms to align and correlate the images at these descending scales. Simulations of transport within the resolved pore networks are then upscaled to predict plug properties. Case studies of these imaging and simulation solutions will be given for conventional, tight and unconventional reservoir samples. Demonstrations of recently developed, advanced imaging capabilities will also be presented. These include contrast-enhanced micro-CT imaging of shales from the Vaca Muerta, Eagle Ford and Barnett formations for visualization and quantification of dynamic diffusion processes, or for 3D mapping of the distribution of pore throat size, or of oil in place. For conventionals, it is shown how micro-CT imaging of residual oil and its pore-scale changes from secondary to tertiary recovery can be combined with MAPS Mineralogy to shed light on the mechanisms of EOR from sandstones by low salinity flooding. Extensions of digital rock analysis and upscaling from plug to whole core will also be addressed.

Andrew Fogden received his PhD from the Australian National University and currently serves as Director of FEI Australia. He has 10 years of experience in research and development of digital imaging and analysis workflows for conventionals and unconventionals, and in understanding the role of surface chemistry in oil recovery.

Patricio Jaime Geologist from University of Concepcion has been the Geosciecne advisor for FEI Company in Americas since 2010.

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